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Filtering by Tag: Turnpike T-235

Turnpike T-235

KJ Consulting

Pennsylvania Turnpike
Project number: T-235.00R002
Contract number: T-235.00R002-3-02
Supervisor: Mike Wright
06/19/2022 – 11/10/2022

During our time spent on T-235, we began with placing long term MPT signs and arrow boards for traffic control the duration of the project. Slab stabilization was then completed. After stabilization was complete, we transitioned right into milling and paving. Left lane both east and west bound was paved first with 9.5 mm wearing course. We were primarily involved in paving operations during this time, checking temperature, tack application rates, and yields among other existing duties. After completion of left lane, we began on the right both directions. Right lane was milled variable depth to existing concrete. Contractor sealed all cracks in concrete using ac20 and roadway was paved with 19mm binder. After binder was placed, 9.5 mm wearing was then placed on left lane. During paving operations, we was responsible for setting up and completing all sample collection. After completion of paving, sonic nap alerts were cut into roadway. Triple drop polyurea was placed on roadway for paint lines. We became very familiar with PTC mpt setups and operations. We assisted in daily requirements pertaining to traffic control and signage. Long term MPT signs were removed at the close of physical work, and entire project was complete prior to end of season.