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About Us

Adirondack is the perfect template for self-starters and savvy entrepreneurs. Its minimal navigation and full header images provide a bold framework for your brand's vision.


KJ Consulting & Environmental Services is a DBE certified Woman Business Enterprise.  Founded in 2018 by owner and operations manager Stacy Ginkel.

KJ is committed to providing the inspection industry with the premier standard of services.   We are dedicated to to the highest level of inspection by quality, experienced staff to ensure our roadways and bridge are built and rehabilitated to plan and specification in a cost effective manner, ensuring the taxpayers they have a long lasting product.

Our clients include: Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, Public, private, and municipal clients.


On-site partnership is critical to success of your project - as well as retaining your trust in our services. By identifying your concerns and guidelines, we will consult with you and your team the specifics of your project. From accounting to on-site meetings, our team will assist you with scheduling, cost analysis, report submission tracking  and budget analysis to ensure you stay on track.