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Welcome Georgia Rosatti - Construction Services Manager

KJ Consulting

KJ Consulting & Environmental Services is thrilled to welcome Georgia Rosatti as our new Construction Services Manager.

A graduate of the University of Pittsburgh, Georgia brings her experience and knowledge to our team. She has successfully managed inspection services for a variety of prestigious clients, including PennDOT, the PA Turnpike, the City of Pittsburgh, ACAA, and PWSA.

In her new position with KJ, Georgia will play a pivotal role in strengthening our growing presence in the Construction Inspection market throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania and she will be instrumental to our overall business development.

We are confident that Georgia’s leadership and expertise will be invaluable as we continue to enhance and evolve our services.

ASHE Franklin Section Golf Outing

KJ Consulting

KJ Consulting proudly sponsored and attended the ASHE Franklin Section Golf Outing held on September 20th, 2024! We believe that building a strong foundation with the engineering community and supporting ASHE is imperative for a stronger tomorrow!