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Filtering by Category: District 1
Warren LFAR
KJ Consulting
Warren LFAR
ECMS: 115760
Dates: 8/29/2022 to 11/04/2022
This project included the complete reconstruction of Madison Avenue. It included concrete roadway to bituminous, along with ADA ramp updates at Madison Avenue and West 5th street. Construction began with milling and placing scratch on West 5th street followed by the removal of existing ADA ramps along Madison Avenue and West 5th street. Once existing curb ramps were removed the contractor placed new 2A sub base. Forms were constructed and check for compliance prior to placement of Class A concrete. Class A concrete was tested for Air, Slump and temp prior to placement and finishing. Once all ADA ramps were completed the contractor began removal of Madison Avenues existing concrete. Prior to removal both edges of roadway were saw cut along the gutter line. Roadway was removed along with an additional 17 inches of existing unsuitable base material to allow for a 12 inch deep undercut and 8 inches of new 2A sub base. Number 1 stone was used as backfill for the undercut. Madison Avenue was finished off with 4.5 inches of 25mm base, 9.5mm scratch and 1.5 inches of 9.5mm wearing. Finally, West 5th street was topped with 1.5 inches of 9.5 mm wearing to complete this project.
Tarklin Run
KJ Consulting
Tarklin Run
ECMS: 78872
Dates: 5/31/2022 to 8/10/2022
This project was for the removal and replacement of the bridge superstructure and realignment of the roadway. This project included the demolition of existing bridge superstructure and milling of existing box beam. Once beams were milled the construction of the new, wider bridge superstructure began including new bridge deck and barriers using AAAP concrete. After the new bridge deck and barriers had been constructed the roadway widening and realignment began. This work included ditch relocation and followed by benching for the new wider roadway. 8 inches of new 2A sub base was placed throughout these widened areas. While widening was taking place a drainage update was done which included new stub pipes, inlets, and 4 inch pavement base drain. Once the roadway was widened and realigned a polyester polymer concrete (PPC) overlay was placed overtop of the new bridge deck. When all grading of dirt work was complete 25mm base was placed followed by super elevation correction using 19mm. Lastly the 1.5 inches of 9.5 mm wearing was placed overtop the entire realigned roadway to complete the project.